On Dynamical Problems of Quantum
and Statistical Physics
The program is being conducted at
the following institutions:
The main directions of the project
are inspired by dynamical problems of quantum and statistical physics.
- Vladimir Buslaev,
St. Petersburg University
- Andrew Comech,
comech@iitp.ru, IITP RAN and Texas A&M University
- Dmitrii Kazakov,
Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (Dubna) and ITEP
- Alexander Komech,
akomech@iitp.ru, IITP RAN and University of Vienna
- Sergey Vergeles, L.D.Landau
Institute for Theoretical Physics RAN and MFTI
Participants and their affiliation
- Vladimir Buslaev,
Department of Mathematical and Computational Physics,
St. Petersburg University, RUSSIA
- Andrew Comech,
Institute for Information Transmission Problems,
Moscow, RUSSIA
- Scipio Cuccagna,
DISMI, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, ITALY
- Jan Derezinski,
KMMF University of Warszawa, POLAND
- Jürg Frölich,
Theoretische Physik, ETH Zürich, SWITZERLAND
- Vladimir Georgiev,
Dipartimento di Matematica, Universitá di Pisa, ITALY
- Marcel Griesemer,
Universität Stuttgart, GERMANY
- Valery Imaikin,
Town of Korolev, Moscow Region, RUSSIA
- Vojkan Jaksic,
McGill University, Montreal, CANADA
- Alexander Komech,
Institute for Information Transmission Problems, RUSSIA
- Dmitrii Kazakov,
Joint Institute of
Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region, RUSSIA
- Elena Kopylova,
Institute for Information Transmission Problems, RUSSIA
- Markus Kunze,
Universität Duisburg-Essen, GERMANY
- Claude-Alain Pillet,
Universite de Toulon, FRANCE
- Herbert Spohn,
Technische Universität München, GERMANY
- David Stuart,
University of Cambridge, ENGLAND
- Boris Vainberg,
UNC - Charlotte, USA
Sergey Vergeles,
L.D.Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, RUSSIA