The main directions of the research
The aim of the project is a dynamical description of basic
phenomena of quantum and statistical physics: long time
convergence to the quantum stationary states and thermodynamic
equilibrium, wave-particle duality, thermal and electric
conductivity of solid state, thermoelectronic emission,
quantum scattering and renormalization, formation of
nanostructures, and other.
The mathematical tools of the research area are rooted in
Complex, Harmonic, and Functional Analysis, Spectral Theory,
and Scattering theory for Partial Differential Equations.
The physical background is provided by the methods of
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Electrodynamics:
the Feynman diagrams, the
Feynman functional integral, and renormalization.
This interconnection of several disciplines allows to engage
top specialists from adjacent fields, who represent the main
body of the group. Their collaboration started in the focused
research group of A.I.Komech at the Faculty of Mathematics of
the University of Vienna in 2002-2005 and continued in
IITP RAN in 2005-2008, BIRS focused research group in
May 2007, and Oberwolfach miniworkshop in February 2008.
Dynamical problems of quantum
and statistical physics
Global Attraction to Quantum Stationary
States (QSS)
The concept of QSS has been introduced
in 1913 by Nils Bohr for a phenomenological
treatment of the Rydberg-Ritz combinational
for the atomic spectra.
In 1926, Schr\"odinger has identified
the QSS with the eigenfunctions of the Schr\"odinger operator.
However, an inherent dynamical meaning
of the QSS is unknown until now.
Possible dynamical treatment of the QSS
as global attractor of the corresponding dynamical
has been suggested first by A. Komech in [40].
Corresponding mathematical results for model systems
were obtained in
[B2,2,3,4,9,11,25,37,39, 42].
However, for the coupled nonlinear Maxwell-Schroedinger
and Maxwell-Dirac equations,
the global attraction to QSS is not proved yet.
Wave-Particle Duality
First elementary particle (the electron) has been discovered
in 1897 by J.J.Thomson who observed the
deflection of the cathode rays in
weak electrostatic and magnetic fields.
On the other hand, later theoretical development by
L. de Broglie (1923), E. Schroedinger (1926),
suggested the wave nature of the electrons.
The diffraction
of the electrons has been observed
experimentally first by Davisson and Germer (1927),
and confirmed recently by novel
experiments (A. Tonomura, J. Endo, T. Matsuda, T. Kawasaki,
American J.Phys. 57 (1989), Issue 2, 117-120).
However a dynamical treatment
of the wave-particle duality
is missing up to now.
Possible dynamical treatment of the wave-particle duality
as global decay to the solitons
has been suggested first by A. Komech in [40].
Then the stability of elementary particles EP
should correspond to
asymptotic stability of the solitons,
and the particle like
deflection of the EP in the weak external fields
should correspond to the adiabatic effective dynamics
of the solitons in slowly varying external potentials.
First mathematical results for model systems
were obtained
i) in
on the global decay to the solitons;
ii) in [1,5,12,13]
on asymptotic stability of the solitons;
in [38]
on adiabatic effective dynamics of the solitons in
slowly varying external potentials.
However, for the coupled nonlinear Maxwell-Schroedinger
and Maxwell-Dirac equations,
the global decay, asymptotic stability and
adiabatic effective dynamics are not proved yet.
Electron Beams
We are interested in the Quantum Physics description
of processes in klystron, synchrotron, and electron microscope.
Solid State Physics
Problems of Thermodynamics:
black body emission law, thermionic emission,
thermoelectric effect, Ohm law.
Books and Lecture notes
B1. A. Komech,
Lectures on
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (Method of Pseudodifferential
Operators), undergraduate course given at Vienna University
during October-December 2006.
B2. A. Komech,
On Global Attractors of Hamilton Nonlinear Wave
Equations, Lecture
Notes of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the
Sciences, LN
24/2005, Leipzig, 2005.
B3. A. Komech,
Lectures on Quantum Mechanics (nonlinear PDE
point of view), Lecture
Notes of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the
Sciences, LN
25/2005, Leipzig, 2005.
B4. A.I. Komech, A.A. Komech,
Book of Practical PDEs, 2006.
B5. A. Komech,
Practical Solution of Equations of Mathematical
Physics, 2006 (revised
edition) [Russian].
A.I. Komech, E. Kopylova, D. Stuart,
On asymptotic stability of solitary waves
for Sch\"odinger equation coupled
to nonlinear oscillator, II,
submitted to
\em SIAM J. Math. Analysis, 2008.
- A.I. Komech, A.A.
Komech, On global attraction to solitary waves
for the Klein-Gordon field
coupled to several nonlinear oscillators, submitted
to Acta Mathematica, 2007.arXiv:math/0702660
- A.I. Komech, A.A.
Komech, On global attraction to solitary waves with
mean field interaction
Klein-Gordon equation, accepted in Annales l'IHP ANL
2008. arXiv:math/0708.1131
- A.I. Komech, A.A.
Global Attraction to Solitary Waves
in Models Based on the Klein-Gordon Equation
SIGMA, Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl.
4 (2008),
Paper 010, 23 pages, electronic only.
- V. Buslaev, A. Komech,
E. Kopylova, D. Stuart, On asymptotic stability of solitary waves
in nonlinear Schrödinger
Comm. Partial Diff. Eqns 33 (2008), no. 4, 669-705.
- A. Komech, E. Kopylova,
B. Vainberg, On dispersive properties of discrete 2D
Schr\"odinger and
Klein-Gordon equations ,
J. Funct. Anal. 254 (2008), no. 8, 2227-2254.
- A.I. Komech, A.A.
Komech, Global well-posedness for the Schrodinger
equation coupled to a
nonlinear oscillator, Russ. J. Math. Phys.
14 (2007), no.
2, 164-173. math.AP/0608780
- A.I. Komech, A.E.
Merzon, Relation between Cauchy data in the scattering
by wedge , Russ.
J. Math. Phys.
14 (2007), no.
3, 279-303.
- A.I. Komech, A.A.
Komech, Global attractor for a nonlinear oscillator
coupled to the
Klein-Gordon field, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.185
(2007), 105-142. arXiv:math.AP/0609013
- A. Komech, E. Kopylova,
M. Kunze, Dispersive estimates for 1D discrete Schrö
dinger and
Klein-Gordon equations, Applicable Analysis
(2006), no. 12, 1487-1508.
- A.I. Komech, A.A.
Komech, On global attraction to solitary waves for
the Klein-Gordon
equation coupled to nonlinear oscillator, C. R.,
Math., Acad. Sci. Paris 343
(2006), no. 2, 111-114.
- V.Imaikin, A. Komech,
B. Vainberg, On scattering of solitons for the Klein-Gordon
equation coupled to
a particle, Comm. Math. Phys. 268 (2006), no.
2, 321-367. arXiv:math.AP/0609205
- A. Komech, E.A.
Kopylova, Scattering of solitons for Schrödinger
equation coupled to a
particle, Russian J. Math. Phys. 50
(2006), no. 2, 158-187. arXiv:math.AP/0609649
- M. Freidlin, A. Komech,
On metastable regimes in stochastic Lamb
system, Journal
of Mathematical Physics 47 (2006), 043301-1
-- 043301-12.
- A. Komech, A.E.Merzon, Limiting amplitude principle in the
diffraction by wedges, Mathematical
Methods in Applied Sciences 29 (2006),
- T. Dudnikova, A.
Komech, Two-temperature problem for the Klein-Gordon
equation, J.
Theory Probability and Appl. 50 (2005), no. 4,
675-710. [Russian].
English translation: On two-temperature problem for the
Klein-Gordon equation, Theory
Prob. Appl. 50
(2006), no. 4, 582-611.))
- A. Komech, E.Kopylova,
N.Mauser, On convergence to equilibrium distribution
for Schrödinger
equation, Markov Processes and Related Fields
(2005), no. 1, 81-110.
- T. Dudnikova, A.
Komech, On the convergence to a statistical
equilibrium in the crystal
coupled to a scalar field, Russ. J. Math. Phys.
(2005), no. 3, 301-325.
- A. Komech, N.J. Mauser,
A.E. Merzon, On Sommerfeld representation and uniqueness
in diffraction by
wedges, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences
28 (2005), no. 2, 147-183.
- A. Komech, N.J. Mauser,
A. Vinnichenko, On attraction to solitons in relativistic
nonlinear wave equations, Russ.
J. Math. Phys. 11 (2004), no. 3,
- V.Imaikin, A. Komech,
N.J. Mauser, Soliton-type asymptotics for the coupled
Maxwell-Lorentz equations, Ann. Inst. Poincaré,
Phys. Theor. 5 (2004), 1117-1135.
- V.Imaikin, A. Komech,
H.Spohn, Rotating charge coupled to the Maxwell field:
scattering theory and
adiabatic limit, Monatshefte fuer Mathematik
(2004), no. 1-2, 143-156.
- T.Dudnikova, A. Komech,
N.Mauser, On two-temperature problem for harmonic crystals
, Journal
of Statistical Physics 114 (2004), no. 3/4,
- A. Komech, E.Kopylova,
N.Mauser, On convergence to equilibrium distribution
for wave equation in
even dimensions, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
(2004), 1-30.
- A. Komech, On attractor of a singular nonlinear
U(1)-invariant Klein-Gordon
equation , p. 599-611 in: Proceedings of the 3rd ISAAC
Congress, Freie Universitat Berlin, Berlin, 2003.
- V.Imaikin, A. Komech,
H.Spohn, Scattering theory for a particle coupled
to a scalar field, Journal
of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
10 (2003), no.
1&2, 387-396.
- V.Imaikin, A. Komech,
P.Markowich, Scattering of solitons of the Klein-Gordon
equation coupled to a
classical particle, Journal of Mathematical Physics
(2003), no. 3, 1202-1217.
- T.Dudnikova, A. Komech,
H.Spohn, On convergence to statistical equilibrium for
harmonic crystals, Journal
of Mathematical Physics 44 (2003), no. 6,
- T.Dudnikova, A. Komech,
N.Mauser, On the convergence to a statistical equilibrium
for the Dirac
equation, Russian Journal of Math. Phys. 10
(2003), no. 4,
- A. Bensoussan, C.
Iliine, A. Komech, Breathers for a relativistic nonlinear wave
equation, Arch.
Rat. Mech. Anal. 165
(2002), 317-345.
- T.V. Dudnikova, A.I.
Komech, E.A. Kopylova, Yu.M. Suhov, On convergence to equilibrium distribution,
I. Klein-Gordon
equation with mixing, Comm. Math. Phys. 225
(2002), no.
1, 1-32.
- T.V. Dudnikova, A.I.
Komech, N.E. Ratanov, Yu.M. Suhov, On convergence to equilibrium distribution, II.
Wave equation with mixing, Journal of Statistical Physics
(2002), no. 4, 1219-1253.
- T. Dudnikova, A.
Komech, H. Spohn, On a two-temperature problem for wave equation
with mixing, Markov
Processes and Related Fields 8 (2002), no. 1,
- A.Merzon, A. Komech,
P.Zhevandrov, A method of complex characteristics for elliptic
problems in angles
and its applications, Translations. Series 2. American
Mathematical Society. 206, American Mathematical Society (AMS),
Providence, RI, 2002.
- T. Dudnikova, A.
Komech, H. Spohn, Energy-momentum relation for solitary waves of
relativistic wave
equation, Russian Journal Math. Phys. 9
(2002), no. 2,
- V.Imaikin, A. Komech,
H.Spohn, Soliton-like asymptotics and scattering for a
particle coupled to
Maxwell field, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics
(2002), no. 4, 428-436.
- A. Komech, On transitions to stationary states in
one-dimensional nonlinear
wave equations, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 149
(1999), no.
3, 213-228.
- A. Komech, M. Kunze, H.
Spohn, Effective Dynamics for a mechanical particle
coupled to a wave
field, Comm. Math. Phys. 203 (1999), 1-19.
- A. Komech, P. Joly, O.
Vacus, On transitions to stationary states in a
Lifschitz-Gilbert system, SIAM J. Math. Anal.
(1999), no. 2, 346-374.
- A. Komech, On transitions to stationary states in
Hamiltonian nonlinear wave
equations, Phys. Letters A 241
(1998), 311-322.
- A. Komech, H. Spohn, Soliton-like asymptotics for a classical
particle interacting with
a scalar wave field, Nonlinear Analysis
(1998), no. 1, 13-24.
- A. Komech, On stabilization of string-nonlinear
oscillator interaction, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 196 (1995), 384-409.